
Posts Tagged ‘Rules’

Developing proper names to use in product relations

May 24, 2010 5 comments

Developing proper names to use in product relations

In the last article, I introduced some scenarios where you need to develop the proper name of an object to use in a part relation. This article follows up by discussing some other scenarios where the relation is created in a product and refers to various objects in both parts and products. Read more…

Developing proper names to use in part relations

May 11, 2010 3 comments

There are times when you may need to create a relation (formula, rule, law, etc.) using automation.  CATIA refers to parameters, geometry and other objects inside those relations based on their name so to accomplish this you will need to understand how to develop those names properly.  There are many different ways to express the name of an object inside a relation depending on where the relation is located and where the object it is referring to is located.  In this article, I will cover how to develop names of objects inside a part when the relation is also created in the same part. Read more…